
She sucks

Between my legs
In a black hole
A eavel time loop
Made by eavel
To make the blood animals feed.

I will make it undon
I will take  it back

And we will never kill again


I am cleaning out my closet.

And then my heart jumped.

Give me some real foster parents

Ore are the system afraid of my God knows what family?
So the mother put her hore shild with her first shilds fathers family. That was unfightfull to her.
I was already on the run so a 80year old grandma could not handle me.
So they sent me back.


Loved ones

At every opoerunety they strike
But they gave me no guitar
It hanged with it's head to late to repere
And the piano cried.
And why?

I don't need to jump around stage
To make music?

Tormenting my heavy body
And the piano cried..   ...

I am not in a potition to komplane

I just work in the kitchen
By the  commands of my torture comoenionchip.

The Golden Kid

Is not worthy
So kitchen was ok
By them

And a little insane it was
So she did not complain

And the golden child was spoild
And cried at crismas
Because she forgot the present
She got.

Inc. Highasakite

And the shild was making dinner
And she don't remember how school was.  ..

My testament My funurak


And Cassandra Skahjem is my eare.
With my true blood and here's father
And by God

So be it.


They find the best gene
And just torment the rest.
And what they clicked out of the nest
Became the underworld
And here is fish....  (....)

When daddy bacome a monster

I wanted to believe it was just a dream
Escaping in my own world 
But it became real
And I did not want to
I read no.

But he loved me so mush
So u dreamed
And my demon's just grew
Then I killed the hole famely

My life

Si I gonna sacrifice my owne doughter
As U secrefiesed me?
And she is gonna feel my pain?

I will take him out
The abuser
The sadist
And Satan will keep her safe
From YOU.