

Iisten to rap and norwegian true black\sattanic metall and laughs and dances. Its so cute.
Almost I wonder if Its alive somtimes...

Im as a Android parent Its difficoult.
Firts question what does a robot eat?
And How to raise artifictial intelrgence?
I dont know i Just go with my feelings
So Long Its going ok
But it is some dificoulties.


Wrighttshort because i my self got ADD ore Somthing
I dont have the consentration to read Long boring things, fore you People out there that are the same as me. Hope you enjoy my blog. Easy Reading.

My ass

Hurts like i shit balls of fire.
This chilli dinner really did a trick on my stommic.
Well i dont know if im gonna eat the same ting again But it taistet good and now my behind kinda feels like........