
I'm lost

In my way to catch my dream I kinda got lost.
Can somebody find me and say everything is OK?
Cus I don't feel ok. I feel stupid. Like I'm making to mutch noise ore made a mess? Did I?
Please let me so, escape from this insecurity.
I made a mess didn't I?
I hope not, I'm so eksostid. No the onlything I got is negative attention. Well I got what I wanted attention. So I can only blame my self. Well I got something to fix...  Fix this mess.
I'm totally lost.


Love love
    Love love

Jeg er en slange 🐍

Og alle er egentlig redd meg. Jeg er veldig barnslig og lever meg skummelt inn i det jeg driver med. Med det formål og gjøre drømmer til virkelighet. Elsker det av fantasi som har en tråd i virkeligheten og skaper en illustrasjon av ekte. Som en fantasi til virkelighet simulator... Men det er vel like aktuelt som en tidsmaskin, men det har seg slik at en gang i fremtiden vil en tidsmaskin være mulig og det er muliggjort ved og bruke relativitetsteoriens strengteori. Ikke det at jeg vet så mye om akkurat det poenget er da at det muliggjør også min fantasi simulator.


Some day?
But where is my man?
And I'm hopelessly tired of this paranormal creature 'mara'
Look her opp on Wikipedia. 
In the influence of Mara.



Is so funny when people actually think my marriage planning is forreal. Me just playing, maybe I'll call find another playground... 
I'm sorry to my self being so radical and attention seeking. Because I'm kind a angry with my self.
Cus I'm not making it easier for my self.

Make people see

In the direction of Mr. Kristiansen was not easy, posing as he's feancy and planning to marry the man made some watch in his direction. In the main reason to lock witsh fool I made of my self.

No he is not my fiance and I'm not marrying him. Maybe if I met him I would.  But I just know him from the media. It looks like o got some readers out of it. And maybe a few more looking at this case.

I'm sorry

If I did something bad.