
Blody Comfusion

The Norwegian law system interests me,
So in noting better to do I started to just look into some cases.
And do have my conclusions about that .
I can't stand unfearness nomather direction.
So I fight with what I have and can fight with .

The human brain interests me.
And our basic instinct that control over behavior.
Killers mind interests me, and the raw basic instinct that make killer able to kill.

So I studdy the art of insanety.
Maybe I did to well
Cuz people are asking me a question

The question sounds like this:
Did you kill anybody?

No, I never hurt a fly.
But I think heavy x connvicts need support and something normal.
Because what many prisons do to day is making much bigger and worse beasts then society made in the first place.
We need to look at ouer owne behavior and judge mental and ugly behavior to the people around us.
And admit that we "normal" people pushed many of this fine and good people ouer the edge.
Every killer has som things that are characteristic symptoms in their personality.
It can just start with a passion for horror movies nothing more, and then bullieng etc etc

Some of this humans who comitt this criems have a very difficult childhood. Just think for your self for a second.
I will not go In details.

We should be able to pick up on this early warning signs
But we don't want to se in their direction.
Because we want ouer perfect little life's and houses unsturbed by the darkness that hide some homes....