
Stoned and happy

Spoke with Mr.Michael to day... It was so great.
Christian showed up, love him.
I'm in love with my friends.
And I'm to kinky to be single....
Some of these boys must marry me on 6 Jun this year. That's the date I must marry.
I'm insane so it's ok.


Dancing ghost

I undressed my soul naked

So naked
Feeling the cold cross
On my body
I'm wondreble
Klimbing to my faith
My conviction

Hill Satan 

Win Win Win

I will break your rist, lay you down
And win over your
Sorry ass... 

Anonymous Vs Donald Trumf


Dagens Nemi

Help Viggo Kristiansen get his case reopen and the charges drop.
They have NO EVIDENCE 

Prindess and the horny king.

Little princess on my lap
Have I fucked you lately?
Don't stick it Inn
That's a sind
O'then u win
My filth king.
It's ok by me....

Lye, cheat and really bad egs

Sometimes a 1% post pops up on the site.
Up to you to figure out witsh the 1% are.
I can lye, cheat and steel 

Blood Pig and now you walking away from me....Filtyyyy.

I rather be hated

Be a nice little girl now, come to dady

Not daddy 
I want an x convicted dirty pig...
So I love being fucked
Let him has he's way
With me.

Nothing is like a huge cock
Makes me feel filled up
Almost to big
Yes, first tasted it
There's no way back.

Filth Fetish

So I guess it's me and my huge dildo
Cuz nobody has the balls to be a real pig.
I will be my self
Abusive that I am
I like an dryoholic

To fuck me like a was forbidden
It's nasty
It's sick
But I'm not a wannabe
Getting no pleasure
Of what's sosiale ackseptebol.

Like them safe
I'll fuck them
The real ones
Are so sceary...

Try one.

Viggo Kristiansen Gooooogle

Viggo Kristiansen https://g.co/kgs/FnCGw

Viggo Kristiansen


Sign your name anonymous

My man lick

Me everywhere 
And it tickels 
Pore girl on this picture... 

Nude fuckers with bad attention

But here is
Real nude me
In moods of Norway 
Just for my blogreaders 
Sitting in a cabin in the woods took all my clothes except my MOODS OF NORWAY Boxers. SKEARY got away by the way...
I was so pissed off and sceard at this picture
Tough the photographer was planning to kill me.
I just put on my bad ass attitude
And showed some mussels
But my brain was a chaos. 

Nude Picks

I give them modell pictures
Little look alike
But still not me...
Well, do I feel bad.. No not at all I feel more free I can show who I Really Want to Be after a while l show them The Real me.. Sorry I don't feel bad about posting pictures of models instead ofme.
After all these pictures are much better than mine.
Will I have fun chatting with my mail the part of the list I got lots of pictures of them but it's there decision to change nude pictures Anyway....

Adjusting this Google Voice is starting to be really good I I'm using it right now I'm impressed talking to the phone about nude pictures hahaha...

Hot but not taken

Well he's free, got his trofee.
No one know
That the head of his victim
Is starring in the middle of the livingroome.
A golden scull.
He's proud
Took he's enemy down loud
But nobody heard.
The police kept looking
Everywhere and around
But he was not find.
In the livingroome
There a modern
Sculpture in gold
The trophy of he's enemy.
He's free
He should be
After a masterpiece
Of modern fashion.
Gold scull.

Murder in the Oslo

Dead man tell no tails

Funn funnily funn time
Let's make a crime

I hope it is made with some thought and effort
A statement
Just not another body without any peticular reason.
Forxample hang him upside-down on a cross ore take his bodypsrts and hide them, throw the big to into the lace and the head in the fridge...

A golden scellet head forever....