
Eruptiva : Å brenne stropper og slør

Eruptiva : Å brenne stropper og slør: Feministene brant BH-er. Hva skal de gjøre med hijaber? spurte en venn på FB-statusen sin i går. Saken er at feminister   brant aldri bh-en...

Just a lonley girl

And im crying all the time
Just getting cold.
I feel so lost
I need somebody
Just to hold me close.

What I want

A bottle of Jack and lifesupply of Vodka
A good friend
And music

And I woud like to Have my life back
And a Harley
A Job

And normality
And my sanety
And answers

And what the fuck is wrong with everything?
So you are my foult?
And I Have to pay for what you did?
I tink not.

I paid.