Forbidden Love
Viggo Kristiansen
I think Kristiansen is innocent
murdered-girls-baneheia-norway http://flip.it/2Q.b2
Yesterday's Living
That's was intense. Role-playing acting as the murderise.
Got red of the evidence, hid the crime well.
No one is one to me yet...
Well played
Game Over
Practicing Uglyness (pretend play)
I'm really a nice, kind girl. I'm trying to be eavil. A challenge from a deamond like creature.
So I feel real ugly, I am ugly now.
I suppose to be cold hartless with no regret.
Doing things that are insane on a tiny level.
I may have broke some golden rules. Maybe there is a law against it to. Then I'm an eavil criminal.
My conscience is heavy and got s tomick ace.
What if they find out what I've done.
Well what's done is done. No return, can't be fixed.
I have to ly myself out of this one.
So now I'm practising not giving a deam. Cold as ice.
This is only a simulated situation with a bit of evilness that's got a thread in reality (nothing serious) to make this as real as possible. Right now it feels like I killed somebody and trying to hide it.
I've just writing abaot what's going through my head, cus this is fucking interesting.