Tell the world
On flippboard
I want a bitrthdaydear.
I'm spoild.
And what do I have to do for my sick friends.
Made a contest on face book, may be childish But what ever. Something to do.
The winner will make me do something normaly insanely a dear.
For example hit the nekst person you meet in the face eaven if it is the buss driver. And I have to do it. Proove it film it and Wright about it. Call it a dear.
Some eavil genius may come up with the answer and a wild command. I hope
I'm board, make funn... Well I'm nervous may just be something afoul. I will not rob a bank But I will hit a buss driver in the face..I hope they ore may be you go easy on me.
I hope the man ore woman with the first right answer really love me..
All love, I hope.
But what's crazy for them?
Don't the Think so many will care abaot it ore see it.
I don't care, just for funny...
But what if????