
Junkey, so what

A shoot a hit....
Just begging for an answer
To see an easy deep red flow of blood in to my pump.
I'm in love and hoped a fix and the needel woud fix it.

How the hell did he get to my feelings???
I'm terreble at being in love, turn my feelings of with a fix.
Love to see the blood
Feel that warm feeling when the drugs ho inn to my waine.
Everything gets easy, lobe simple.
still love to see that wine deep deep red blood.my blood.
So what I junk sometimes, going to quit. But not year.

Know it is stupid
Raven more supid to blog about it.
But I love drugs.

I just fall in love with being in love
Suddenly there was a man there...
Wonder what he thinks And feels.?
Best I stay wasted.


The Place http://pistra.blogspot.com/

Just me

Right now....

The dish... Nemi

Tell the world

How mutsh abuse hurt, destroyes,.making ugliness.
So some people are excused, they most be angry.

On flippboard

Join my Flipboard magazine, The Place, to collect and share stories together: http://flip.it/MHGyr

I want a bitrthdaydear.

I'm spoild. 

And what do I have to do for my sick friends.

Made a contest on face book, may be childish But what ever. Something to do.
The winner will make me do something normaly insanely a dear.
For example hit the nekst person you meet in the face eaven if it is the buss driver. And I have to do it. Proove it film it and Wright about it. Call it a dear.
Some eavil genius may come up with the answer and a wild command. I hope
I'm board, make funn... Well I'm nervous may just be something afoul. I will not rob a bank But I will hit a buss driver in the face..I hope they ore may be you go easy on me. 

I hope the man ore woman with the first right answer really love me..


All love, I hope.

But what's crazy for them?

Don't the Think so many will care abaot it ore see it.

I don't care, just for funny...

But what if????