So mutsh
That I'm thinking I'm dying
Sceard of everything
Don't drear to sleep right now..
The police???
Well i dont know. Why the police runn down dores with chields and foull protectiv chlotes
All me and my friend was doing was drinking bear and wroring together...
Pytonen sin det
A word I really do not know what means.
After to mutch vodka I may have maked some noise
Kinda amberest but I think the world gets what I mean,
Feeling like an example of how not to live ore become。
And its not all my fault eighter.
And I'm angry and hurt。。。
Eruptiva : Å brenne stropper og slør
What I want
A bottle of Jack and lifesupply of Vodka
A good friend
And music
And I woud like to Have my life back
And a Harley
A Job
And normality
And my sanety
And answers
And what the fuck is wrong with everything?
So you are my foult?
And I Have to pay for what you did?
I tink not.
I paid.
I hate love
And im in love with a person ore a thing i dont eaven know if eksist,
I hate IT.
I hate music
IT has destroyd my life taken everything away from me and still keeps me alive.
And my parents fuckt me so i Have No chance of making musick.
I really truly hate you.
Fucking arm
Its not easy mastrubating with a brokend. Arm.
No i feel sick and IT hurts like hell.
Well im going to the hospital. To morrow and hopefoully. I gett som pro doktor thing at my arm.
My problem are still No money and No painkillers.