Ore a right handed
But I broke that arm.
So this is kinda heavy
I'm a form of .god
Down the stears and fucking brocke my arm.
And my right one so this is hard and painful to wright....
Fucking Hell
Just finished the game.
Like it,
My first ps game.
I think I'm in love.
Og jeg er ikke noe glad i å være syk. Den her bugen går meg på nervene.
Alt irriterer meg og overhode ingenting virker.
Gørr over alt
Og vondt over alt.
To kill the enemy's with moskitoes.
Found this artikle its in Norwegian.
Well use a dictionary.
I miss out on my life because I don't have enough money, not the right friends ore I'm simply not good enough.
And now I miss out on some of the music most hateful music but a concert I don't want to miss because life is to expensive.
If nothing have change Arvas still go on stage in Tunsberg to day.
Right now if I remember correctly.
Don't know if this day is so important to me.
I feel sad and alone.
Last year I almost died on this day, and I just wanted to selebrate this Valentines day for a change.
And that will never happen again. Me try to celebrate love.
But every day like this
I feel emty sad and alone, and I know I only have my self in the end, everybody does. Everybody is selfish in the end.
I'm so sick to day.
Almost shit my pants and throwing up everywhere.
Why the hell am I drinking?
On behaf of my self i will say I'm sorry for my radical sayings on FB. And mybe some of it went out on my famely.
But they shud know that if they had cared and phushed me a little as a shild maybe,I woud have a life.
And because that I'm angry for all the shildren and growend up shildren that have had a worse group than me.
The real shildren of hell.
You see I'm just nothingness.
If you cut of the arms of a tree.
Will it grow back out.
I think it was uneasesary of this man to cut the arms of the trees in the main street, but the town government though it was mesesary ore the trees got to big.
I do not understand this
If a tree gets to old it dies, stupid town people.....
Alt gjør vondt i dag, og ikke har jeg smertestillende og ikke gidder jeg å skrive mer på engelsk.
Jeg krangler med morra mi og jeg er vist ikke værdt så mye.
Sånn bortsett fra at hu trengte ungen min da.
Jeg begynner å bli drittlei alt og føler at.... At veit ikke hva jeg føler jeg utenom sveket såret og bedratt.
On elmstreet.
Sitting here alone, it haven't sceard me mutch before, but this Freddy figure is really sceary.
Norwegian priest throwing the children out from the god building.
Well again I love news like this, thinking the world has gone mad. Ore am, I reading a cartoon ore maybe I just think I read something.
Ore well I had to read the same thing twise to belive what stood there really stood there.
After seweral days with to mutsh bround strong stuff. I'm not shore I can trust my owne instincts.
But here is the article, in Norwegian